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Parable of the sower Mt 13, 1-9

That day, Jesus left the house and sat by the lake. So great crowds gathered around him, that he got into the boat and sat down, and all the people stood on the shore. And he spoke much to them in parables, saying: « Behold, the sower went out to sow. And as he was sowing, some [seeds] fell on the road, and the birds came and devoured them. Others fell on rocky places where they had little soil; and immediately they sprang up, because the soil was not deep. But when the sun came up, they were scorched and withered, because they had no root. Others fell among the thorns again, and the thorns sprang up and choked them. Others finally fell on fertile ground and yielded a crop, one hundredfold, the second sixtyfold, and the others thirtyfold. He who has ears, let him hear!”

Issues and message

This parable is a metaphor for preaching the word of God among people. The sower is Jesus himself, but also everyone who teaches the Gospel. His teachings are compared to grains, and his hearers to various kinds ground on which the seed falls. Those who come to listen but don't understand are like a seed sown on a way that the birds symbolizing Satan will immediately snatch. There will be no use for such grain.

The stony ground is a metaphor for hearers who have good intentions but lack perseverance. The word of God does not it manages to take root in their souls and they will renounce it whenever difficulties and persecutions threaten his safety. For them, too, the teaching of Christ will not bring spiritual benefits.

Another group of listeners are those who allow themselves to learn, but forget about it under the influence of temptation of the world: wealth, pleasure. These worldly, illusory goods will drown out the voice of God in them, and the words of teaching will be wasted in their souls.

Finally, there are people who are open and prepared for God's word, like fertile soil. In their hearts the teaching of the Gospel will take root because they want to listen and try to understand it. These are the listeners true Christians who will pass on the Truth to the next generations and thus multiply true faith in the world.